New things in the shop include:
Frilled Dragons
Brazilian Rainbow Boas
Colombian Rainbow Boas
Green Tree Python (beautiful eating machine!)
Vietnamese Mossy Frogs (Outstanding CB frogs!)
Bird Poop Frogs (Hyla marmorata)
Horned Frogs (greens, browns & albinos)
Kenyan Sand Boas (normals and paradox snows!)
Lots of new Corn Snake morphs (lavendar, opal, butter motley, blk motley, etc)
Fire Salamanders
Giant Day Geckos
Leopard Geckos (blizzard, leucistic, high yellow)
Florida Kingsnakes
Texas Ratsnakes
Reverse Tail Stripe Boa constrictors
Guyana Boa (nice young female)
Blood Python (great disposition, very handleable)
Stop in or call today. Many of these can be held until the upcoming shows, let me know if there is something that catches your eye.