New Stock
We have a lot of new stock that has come in recently and a bunch of new babies hatching out. If you haven't checked in in a while, there is a lot of new stuff to see:
New Western Hognose babies (half of them have already sold!)
California Kingsnake babies fresh out of their eggs!
Lots of new Boa constrictors; Central American, Red Group, Reverse Tail Stripes
Ball Pythons; some really nice individuals, great colors and markings!
Veiled Chameleons - nice 3"to 4" juveniles
Argentine Horned Frogs
Dart Frogs - D. azureus, D. tinctorius, D. leucomelas, and auratus
New Western Hognose babies (half of them have already sold!)
California Kingsnake babies fresh out of their eggs!
Lots of new Boa constrictors; Central American, Red Group, Reverse Tail Stripes
Ball Pythons; some really nice individuals, great colors and markings!
Veiled Chameleons - nice 3"to 4" juveniles
Argentine Horned Frogs
Dart Frogs - D. azureus, D. tinctorius, D. leucomelas, and auratus